Events & Congresses
SCCM 2025 Abstract Presentations
Star Research Award Abstract Presentation
Combination of Endotoxin Activity and SOFA Defines Severity in Septic Shock
presented by
Mark Tidswell, MD, ATSF
Professor of Medicine, UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate
Sunday February 23 @ 9:45 – 10:45 AM
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL
Connections Central Theater 01
Abstract Presentation
Incidence of Endotoxic Septic Shock
presented by
Laurence W. Busse, MBA, MD, FCCM
Medical Director – Critical Care, Emory University School of Medicine
Tuesday February 25th @ 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL
Connections Central – RST 08
Critical Care Nephrology Update 2024 Sepsis-Induced AKI: Understanding and Managing the Microcirculation and Inflammatory Response
John Kellum, MD
October 23, 2024 | 8:15 AM PDT
San Diego Convention Center, CA
Sepsis Alliance Institute Sponsor Innovation Webinar:
Endotoxin, The Phantom Menace of Sepsis
Debra Foster, BSc
Mark A. Tidswell, MD., Professor of Medicine
UMASS Chan Medical School – Baystate
What part does endotoxin play in the etiology of sepsis and septic shock? This sponsored webinar will describe the human response to elevated levels of endotoxin, both as an adaptive immune response and also as a trigger of sepsis. The ability to measure endotoxin activity in the bloodstream allows clinicians to uncloak its true prevalence and closely examine when endotoxin plays a role in sepsis. Can targeting endotoxin removal be a successful treatment modality for sepsis? Tune in to this webinar to learn more.
Thursday October 3, 2024 @ 11:00am PT | 2:00pm ET
CRRT Conference Breakfast Symposium
Waking up to Endotoxemic Septic Shock. What do you need to be ready?
Moderators: John Kellum and Debra Foster
Diagnosing ESS in the real world – Danielle Davison, George Washington University
Treating ESS in the real world – Javier Neyra, University of Alabama
Implementing PMX hemoadsorption at the bedside – Johann Chang, (Spectral), Tara Morgan-Gray, (Colorado Springs)
Wednesday March 13, 2024 @ 7:00AM
San Diego, CA
36th European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) Symposium:
Extracorporeal Therapies in the ICU: Hemoadsorption
Dr. Marlies Ostermann (United Kingdom)
October 25, 2023. Milan, Italy
Septic Shock: Current Concepts, How Do I Manage the Patient with Septic AKI?
The TIGRIS Trial
Dr. John Kellum
September 21-24, 2023. Daegu, S. Korea
37th Japan Shock Society (JSS):
Sepsis Phenotypes
Dr. John Kellum
August 18-19, 2023. Nagoya, Japan
41st Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT:
Target molecules for hemoadsorption in Sepsis-associated AKI: endotoxin and beyond
Dr. John Kellum
June 12-14, 2023. Vicenza, Italy
30th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Conference: Hemoadsorption
Chairpersons: C Ronco (Italy), R Bellomo (Australia)
June 9-12, 2023. Vicenza, Italy
International Conference on Extracorporeal Organ Support:
Endotoxemic sepsis: clinical features and therapy
Dr. John Kellum (University of Michigan)
May 4-6, 2023. Zagreb, Croatia
CRRT Conference Industry Lunch Symposium
Sponsored by Spectral
Endotoxin: Detecting and Treating an Old Foe with New Weapons.
Dr. Ashita Tolwani: What is endotoxin and why is it important?
Dr. John Kellum: Treating an old foe with new weapons.
Friday March 31, 2023 @ 12:30 – 2:00 PM
The 2023 Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Congress:
Beyond cytokines: Alternative targets for host-based blood purification
Dr. Lenar Yessayan (University of Michigan)
January 21-24, 2023. San Francisco, California
40th Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT:
Blood purification in Sepsis: Adsorption a New Frontier
Featuring: C Ronco (Italy), T Rimele (France), L Chawla (USA), R Bellomo (Australia), J Prowle (UK) and J Kellum (USA)
June 14-16, 2022. Vicenza, Italy
54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN):
Debate: Using Extracorporeal Blood Purification Therapies for Sepsis and Immune Dysregulation
PRO J Kellum (Pittsburgh, PA)
CON R Balogun (Charlottesville, VA)
November 4-7, 2021. San Diego, California
Watch the course replays
November 2-6, 2020
Chairpersons: P. Honoré (Brussels), C. Ronco (Vicenza)
Monday September 30th, 2019: 18:15-19:15
Endotoxic Septic Shock: Diagnosis and Treatment
Foster DM, Kellum JA.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 Nov, 24, 16185.
Adsorption of endotoxin and mitigation of sepsis.
Kellum JA, Shoji H, Foster D, Walker PM.
Contrib Nephrol. 2023 Nov; 200:133-141.
Bayesian methods: a potential path forward for sepsis trials.
Tomlinson, G., Al-Khafaji, A., Conrad, S.A. et al.
Crit Care 27, 432 (November 2023).
Endotoxemia Correlates with Kidney Function and Length of Stay in Critically Ill Patients.
Piret SE, Khan S, Fairuz F, et al.
Blood Purif. 2023 Nov 2:1-10.
The role of endotoxin in septic shock.
Kellum JA, Ronco C.
Crit Care. 2023 Oct 19;27(1):400.
Targeted therapy using polymyxin B hemadsorption in patients with sepsis: a post-hoc analysis of the JSEPTIC-DIC study and the EUPHRATES trial.
Osawa I, Goto T, Kudo D, et al.
Crit Care. 2023 Jun 21;27(1):245.
Rationale for sequential extracorporeal therapy (SET) in sepsis.
Ronco C, Chawla L, Husain-Syed F, Kellum JA.
Crit Care. 2023 Feb 7;27(1):50.
Endotoxemic Shock: A Molecular Phenotype in Sepsis.
Kellum JA, Foster D, Walker PM.
Nephron. 2023 Feb ;147(1):17-20.
Increased Endotoxin Activity in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.
Dela Cruz PTH, Davison D, Yamane DP, Chu E, Seneff M.
J Intensive Care Med. 2023 Jan;38(1):27-31.
Endotoxemic Sepsis: Clinical Features and Therapy.
Kellum JA, Shoji H, Foster D, Walker PM.
Journal of Translational Critical Care Medicine 2022 December;4:13.
Endotoxemic Sepsis: Clinical Features and Therapy.
Kellum JA, Shoji H, Foster D, Walker PM.
Journal of Translational Critical Care Medicine 2022 December;4:13.
Endotoxemia in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19.
Khan S, Bolotova O, Sahib H, Foster D, Mallipattu SK.
Blood Purif. 2022 June ;51(6):513-519.
Subtypes and Mimics of Sepsis.
Kellum JA, Formeck CL, Kernan KF, Gómez H, Carcillo JA.
Crit Care Clin. 2022 April 38(2):195-211.
Endotoxin Adsorbent Therapy in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia.
Peerapornratana S, Sirivongrangson P, Tungsanga S, et al.
Blood Purif. 2022 Jan ;51(1):47-54.
Extracorporeal Blood Purification and Organ Support in the Critically Ill Patient during COVID-19 Pandemic: Expert Review and Recommendation.
Ronco C, Bagshaw SM, Bellomo R, et al.
Blood Purif. 2021 50(1):17-27.
Endotoxemia and circulating bacteriome in severe COVID-19 patients.
Sirivongrangson P, Kulvichit W, Payungporn S, et al.
Intensive Care Med Exp. 2020 Dec 7;8(1):72.
Intervening in Sepsis: Can Nurses Do More?
Updated guidelines may help nurses identify sepsis quicker and treat it more efficiently
Debra M. Foster
Healthcare Network for Nurses January 2017
Role of Technology for the Management of AKI in Critically Ill Patients: From Adoptive Technology to Precision Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Cerdá J., Baldwin I., Honore P.M., Villa G., Kellum J.A., Ronco C.
Blood Purification Vol. 42, No. 3, September 2016
Polymyxin-B hemoperfusion in septic patients: analysis of a multicenter registry
Salvatore Lucio Cutuli, Antonio Artigas, Roberto Fumagalli, Gianpaola Monti, Vito Marco Ranieri, Claudio Ronco, Massimo Antonelli.
Annals of Intensive Care, August 2016
Elevated Serum PCT in Septic Shock With Endotoxemia Is Associated With a Higher Mortality Rate.
Adamik B, Smiechowicz J, Jakubczyk D, Kubler A
Medicine 2015 July, 94(27):e1085.
Endotoxin Removal: Bringing the Mission to North America
Foster D., Klein D.J,. Guadagni G.,Walker P.M.
Blood Purification, Vol. 37, Suppl. 1, January 2014